fibromyalgia urine smell

Each pack contains 30 gummies designed to last you between 2 weeks and a month, depending on your preferred daily dosage. I have'nt been eating any of those vegs.lately. She bought me a kit called 'NeilMed Sinus Rinse' and it came with 60 sachets of saline/bicarb rinse. I have a doctor appointment with a neurologist coming up soon, maybe he will give me some answers. I can't identify any lifestyle, work, leisure, activity etc. Hope it works for you as well. Nausea and vomiting along with pain and temperature may indicate a more complicated UTI, in which a kidney is infected. Moderation is the key. I am so fatigued during each episode! Last medically reviewed on January 10, 2023, Fibromyalgia causes persistent pain and fatigue. My defense is to avoid odors in every way possible. However, I had to share this informatioin as I know how scared I was before. Too late. I forget words, stumble over them, say words that make no sense. I dont hesitate to inform the staff that I would prefer to wait in the waiting room. It sounds really awful though. People think youre lazy, but my legs literally want to give out! Meena N. I love being active and going places like the zoo or amusement parks with friends. The diagnosis: atypical migraine. My mum took her life on pain killers and alcohol in the 80's, so that's why i'm against them. That is all that I smell. Drink way more water ! I have also had symptoms of fibromyalgia of which is linked to CD. When my sister had her baby I was holding her and sniffling and some thought I was sick and holding a newborn! Bacteria can contaminate urine. I was so amazed because I too had been experiencing the same symptoms, but not quite as long as she (she's 2 years older). Chronic, widespread pain throughout the body or at multiple sites. Symptoms can vary in intensity and come and go. Feeling of having to urinate, but nothing comes out, can be sign of bladder cancer, though urinary urgency as a symptom of this disease is relatively rare. About the trick of smelling inside your shirt, I have resourced to that too. Omg I have been smelling an odd smell for years and have recently connected it to stress, I have not met anyone with the same problem , it drives me crazy, people look at me as if I'm mad when I say what I'm experiencing, I also put my head down my top sometimes , it's also worse at home especially when I'm in bed. Do not put in when is hot just warm to the touch. I was very stressed and could not sleep. It makes no sense. I really have to sniff to smell the flowers i planted near our back door which only give off perfume at night filling the house with fragrance with the doors open, you can't buy that wonderful scent, but i can't enjoy it either like everyone else comments. Its maddening, especially when trying to concentrate at work. I have not read it all as it is too long to read. This is going to show my 'flaky' side but I sort of thought that maybe I was being visited by my grandfather's spirit (who smoked like a chimney). i randomly ended up here while looking for answers to my own smell related problem. My poor intolerance to heat, odors and smoke. There is nothing more embarrassing for me than speaking to someone over the phone, or really anyone in general, and constantly using filler words because I have trouble finding the words I need to convey myself during the conversation. Anyhoo! and consult a functional medicine dr. It's a mystery! The problem is I am so used to it that sometimes I don't even notice when it starts or stops. THank you. None of my doctors seem to think I am being for real & am quite sure my mom doesn't believe me (but has to be sweet -mama duties!). It never ends. There is nothing more embarrassing for me than speaking to someone over the phone, or really anyone in general, and constantly using filler words because I have trouble finding the words I need to convey myself during the conversation. Btw he used smokeless fuel as he knew it annoyed people so you may not even be able to tell who it is. Then boom, a day, week. Other symptoms may include: Muscle and joint stiffness. notice of intent to sell property; what kind of gun will kill a grizzly bear And worrisome! Tagged fragrance-free, MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity, odor, smell. . We live in a $600,000. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. I used to love cooking too - cooking was something creative that I could enjoy despite being housebound most of the time but now.. Well I find all the joy has gone from it. Below are several lifestyle changes and tips that may help relieve symptoms and make fibromyalgia easier to live with daily. I can barely smell things, although I had exceptional sense of smell. I once worked in an office where a co-worker wore Polo cologne. Urinary urgency is described as the urgent need to urinate. Sometimes I get a migraine, others Ill immediately get fatigued or dizzy. It wasn't. I eat just so I do not go hungry. I can have on my liver. I've even gone as far as coating the inside of my nose with Vaseline. What I found that is that the receptors in the brain are off or not communicating due to that sensors in your brain are sending the wrong signals to activate to act. I've always been overly sensitive to cigarette smoke and things like bonfires too, I've never smoked and cannot stand the smell. My search for others suffering in the same way brought me to the Fibromyalgia Section. While regular physical activity is recommended to help manage fibromyalgia symptoms, it is crucial to limit overexertion and not to do too much. I received counselling to help me deal with being harassed/bullied at this job and in my own time [stalked] whilst being employed. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for over 20 years, but I turned much worse about 3 years ago. Doctors are not bothered as I was once told to use deodorant spray on myself after smelling this dreadful smell, I no longer rely on doctors advice. Mine started years ago but it was only every now and then. I have some symptoms but not as severe as hers. The more you try to solve it the more life gets difficult. Refered to a neurologist. Urinary and pelvic complaints are common symptoms of fibromyalgia, particularly in women with the disease. It was either him or me. I also sometimes have a sore tongue and sometimes my teeth hurt. All is i know is that Ive been fighting the desire to vomit. I don't have any issues with lack of taste nor do i taste what i smell? The main symptom of fibromyalgia is widespread pain. Does anyone have problems with their liver. You might have quite a low alcohol patience and sensitivity to foods and others as well. The inability to regulate your own body temperature is frustrating. Rachel P. Sweating! People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia. They include: Although some triggers for fibromyalgia are beyond a persons control, managing modifiable risk factors can help to prevent flare ups. My daughter has, and it's quite debilitating. The cyst and blocked sinus do not seem connected. lotion, oil, candy, baked goods, everything is Rancid. If you notice a sudden onset of sweet-smelling urine, you. Anyway, nothing showed on the scans. unusual bleeding or bruising. Resistance and strengthening exercises may improve muscle strength, physical disability, depression, and quality of life. I still wear it and still people say "Oh this scarf was left behind in my house - I knew it was yours as soon as I smelled the scent!!" We fell out about it and he threw a whole bottle on his fire. Any other advice? I will mention that to my Dr next as i have nothing else. When symptoms temporarily increase in number or intensity, it is called a flare or flare-up. Its over 100 degrees out so every place has the AC cranked up and Im trying to warm my hands enough to have feeling in them. Kristi R. Spasms. Dont we have a bizarre condition?! PLEASE HELP ME, whoever can! I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. While reading the first posts of 3 years ago, something triggered a memory. told me to use them for a bad cold that I had that hung around for 2 weeks. Nobody else can smell the smell when I ask them, I can still smell/taste normally and I am male 49 and live in Scotland. Today, MCS is a recognized disorder. Never really goes away though. Read The Mightys comprehensive guide to fibromyalgia here. Like a mental tennis match. Perhaps this is causing too much bacteria in my mouth but I have used this device in the past and that never happened. Hi, i also have episodes when i smell cigarette smoke or nail varnish remover when theres none around. Things I once loved I now no longer like - & vice versa. Seek immediate treatment for bad smelling urine if you experience the following. I told him it was hypersensery overload. Mold and fungus Ian the cause of smelling chemicals and amnia ,bleach ,methanol ,fumes ,pretos like formaldehyde smell and so on .It is aused also by bacteria.Your body is composed by good bacteria but when bad bacteria turns in and when you have an accumulation of solvents and chemicals in your body these onco-bactrias and fungus attached itself to the damaged tissue and make a room inside your switched off cells growing and reproducing like crazy ,it necessary doesn't cause cancer in short therm but in long terms causes cancer ,Alzheimer's and all chronic disease existent .Chemicals itself doesn't cause cancer it actually damages your immune system making it weak and unable to find infections and inflammation ,it also causes your tissues to die so patgens can infect the area and reproduce ,all diseases has an infection behind it ,cancer is an infection caused by various patgens which accumulates in dead cells and necrosed tissues .I cured my terrible nose smell after 3 years of hell and I can guarantee you it is caus d by fungus ,mold and bacteria . Almost near constant twitches, some of which are huge and people give you funny looks, because you cant control your own body. Rhian S. My feet and legs will jerk or twitch. It often coincides with urinary frequency and urinary tract infection. The smell comes and goes. To my delicate nostrils, this was chemical warfare. Other symptoms include a higher. Too sick to pursue any further! The smell came back about a month later and I went to my GP. Sleep hygiene practices that may help include going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and limiting napping during the day. How can you manage fibromyalgia flare ups? Tender Points - a Column by Christine Lynch. Symptoms of fibromyalgia flares vary but often involve widespread pain, joint stiffness, and extreme sensitivity to stimuli. During the day wherever I am. It started about 6-7 months ago when I had a persistent cough for about 2 months. I may discuss this with my GP and/or dentist to see if I have sinus or dental problems. I come from an Indian family and we use a lot of spices in our food. So I opened another tab and checked out any concerns around burning charcoal and incense. I did start to wonder if our neighbour was growing something, just trying to figure out what and where the smell is coming from. It's nearly as difficult to explain multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to someone unaffected by it as it is to explain fibromyalgia. I schedule challenging places, like hair and nail salons, early in the day before the odors build up. Studies show that Mediterranean, vegetarian, low gluten, and low FODMAP diets may all help manage fibromyalgia symptoms. Probably didn't need it, but woke up with 1 blocked nostril this morning. At first I thought it was because I smoked and had changed brand. Others such as coffee, onions, and garlic can also contribute to the strong smell. I buy only organic or fragrance-free grooming and cleaning products. But, I just want you to know that you are not alone with this strange condition. Oh and I do have COPD, Im not sure that means anything. worth a whirl, you could use lavender, or lemon both cleansing oils/scents. Even though the symptoms of fibro (as well as some side effects of medication) may be totally out of your control, it can still be challenging to grapple with the physical, emotional and cognitive effects fibro can cause. Cause its smell like that funky old mold in the walls when there is a leak or to much moist, I go on searching gor the smell around the area where I felt it, I clean the air conditioning filters, dust all the time and I grow so frustrating! It doesn't work at all, what a waste of money.! I want to enjoy yet my body refuses and others see me as a killjoy or just too fussy. Vee Vee Y. All of my neighbours including him had to move out for 6 months and destroy all our furniture. It is super embarrassing, I have to wear pantyliners all the time. Sorry about this following descriptionbut i have no cold, no sniffles, but a huge load of snot just drained out of my nose [both nostrils - like i had a bad cold]. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. I have the same problem. I have been researching this problem for months. It gets stronger during the holidays. Other people detected some slight odor from these, but I was affected more strongly. Note:Fibromyalgia News Todayis strictly a news and information website about the disease. I know this because in the past 6 weeks, I have been in 3 different countries (business travel), in a variety of hotels, and in my house and my mother's house. It's hard to know if the smell is really same for all the people who wrote here or there is a difference. Also you have brain fog, joint and body pain. It overtime will give you cancer .Dont trust these doctors and laboratories because they won't diagnose you and their tests are scammed so they will make sure fungus infection won't be diagnosed .The problem is that over the years the pharmaceutical industry has created super fungus( Candida albicans for exemple) that mutates like crazy once is inside human tissue and to kill it will be a very hard challenge ,if you let it too long and becoming chronic you will get an auto-immune disease such as cancer in maybe 10 years time or less .To be healed from this there is a challenge but I have overcome this problem after 3 years of misery smelling amonia bleach fumes formaldehyde smell like ! Treatment plans will often combine medication and lifestyle changes. LOL! .. horrible. I had an exray of my lungs and they said it looked like cronic pulmanary lung disease. High fruit and vegetable diet. I don't go dizzy or anything ,and no ear) feel like your ear is full of water and that I'm in a swimming pool (echoing). I am just now understanding how that relates to stress and anxiety disorder. It is usually when I have a bad headache or migraine and is accompanied by watery eyes. The non-typical migraine comment caught my eye because my mother has actually been dx with these but hers causes her to lose her sight when it happens. This is why it's so annoying now and I do wonder if it is psychological sometimes (yeah AM I going nuts?) Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. You're taking a sulfa drug so that means your urine does become more concentrated. The random back spasms that leave me unable to walk while in the middle of a store. Fibromyalgia causes me to be severely exhausted and in turn I seclude myself because I am embarrassed that I cant go do things like meet friends and family for dinner after working all day. Koroleva V. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. And like thats not bad enough, I have random bladder cramps. Its awful. Molly S. For me, I think its the excessive sweating for no apparent reason. And Im getting where I just cant watch it like I used to. Terri S. Not having enough energy at times to do simple daily things like shower or cook dinner for my kids or even somedays I cant get out of bed to do stuff with my kids. Skye L. The fatigue. I've tried everything. I hate soaps or scents, especially floral, citrus are somewhat better. This is called abnormal pain perception processing. Or it is the association that is getting in there overwhelming you. I'm waiting to have these. I smelled it yesterday briefly a few times, but haven't since. Just 2 days ago, my wife was in the Chemist asking for a nasal spray safe to use daily and bought it. If your problem is just smells you could solve it by stuffing cotton wool up your nose. Some people thus affected have been required to have psychological treatment or some have even been institutionalized. And, it is getting stronger. Nasal Spray.. addictive yes. yellow eyes or skin. Its shocking to them and almost impossible to explain. Which was not caused by an accident or strain. I have the same thing, started about 3 weeks ago when we moved into a house in an area that I don't particularly like, miss my friends etc. We have found 15 people from different parts of the world witht same issue.. we are connected here on facebook. God No.. this would be awful. Copyright 2013-2023 All rights reserved. Home; Begin Fibro fog is the worst! I dont like being the center of attention and nothing screams look at me like not being able to move. Megan M. I get random muscle spasms. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. However, changes in brain chemical levels and central nervous system function may play a role. Try an elimination diet, in which you exclude certain food groups each week to see if symptoms improve. I was convinced it was the car AC, then the office AC, but it wasn't. When it strikes, I have to sit down immediately, regardless of where I am. Lisa T. Gastrointestinal issues. When I left the hospital I smelled putrid smoke in the bus home, my car when I picked it up, inside my building and condo..for days on end. I'll make it short and sweet. I had a bronchoscopy and no fluid just inflammation. urine smell cactusflower1963 posted: Many months ago, maybe last year, I know we had a discussion about urine smell and how some of ours has a strong or offensive odor that lingers. It causes me to drop things a lot. Danika S. The constant sniffles/cough/dry mouth my meds cause. I got it after I was sick, It started a few weeks ago and I am in the same boat. My experience is that it happens in 2 year cycles almost to the day. I forget it's name but it's an antibiotic cream. I was hospitalized for a SEVERE infection, face blew up and had breathing problems. Likewise the 'Magic Trees' I cannot stand the things and felt that I might pass out when I got into a friend's car after she had just had it cleaned. As soon as i take a couple of breaths and breath out side of it, the smell is goneanother thing the Dr's can't explain..but it works.! But I didn't want acid injected into my spine. I was addicted to them for 8 years. She's had success with medication, but I'm not quite ready to try that yet. Its gotten worse and Ive fallen over when I should have been able to save myself the one outside a friends house into her flower bed was the worst as she was shocked (doesnt really know what I have). Lisa B. I smell a "burning paper" smell ALL the time in my apartment and nobody else can smell it! Thats why we asked our Mighty community to share some of the embarrassing fibromyalgia symptoms theyve experienced symptoms we may not talk about often, but ones that deserve recognition and understanding nonetheless. It appears you entered an invalid email. that could be related to the cyst. Never suffered any congestion in my life till about 6 or so months ago.! Yesterday, for the 1st time in about 10 months, i didn't need to use the nasal spray, but just before bed, i did [habit i think], just in case [+ wanted a good sleep]. Do you suffer with fibro too ? This kind of smell it's driving me crazy! Hi, Im been having chemical smell since 2020. This means that a doctor should be able to confirm: The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires medical documentation dating back 12 months related to the disease and may conduct interviews with relatives, friends, neighbors, and past employers to confirm the diagnosis. This was 6 months ago. Researchers think it may be linked to sleep problems, stress, or immune, endocrine, or biochemical problems. MRI scans have shown nothing they didn't expect to see although I DO have a rare pituitary condition that started many years ago while this problem is fairly recent. I am not going to look up any more research about charcoal or incense to scare myself silly. Even Management backed up the coordinator. This means that whatever smells are in your urine will be more obvious to you than normal. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you're struggling with any of the following symptoms, know you are not alone. The most embarrassing part is having to cancel plans because I dont feel well enough to go out. stomach discomfort and GI bleed exhaustion, headaches, hungry & spotting Cervical c5-6 fusion 3 weeks post op and in pain when doing household chores armpit odor Could my chemotherapy contribute to the bad body odor? Also I started wearing a sports device in my mouth to self-treat jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects the muscles, soft tissues and joints. If the windows had been opened, I never would have made it till the fall. It was immediately absorbed into my mucous membranes, and I could taste that smell for the rest of the day, no matter how hard I tried to mask it with coffee, Lifesavers, or unscented air freshener. This might help a person with fibromyalgia find out how to better manage or avoid those triggers. Urinary frequency can also disrupt sleeping patterns, as it typically causes you to wake up to go the bathroom. I tried to explain to my doctor about the anxiety. Ill often squeak or yelp when it happens because it hurts. I found this thread months ago when I first had the burning plastic/burning wood/old mould/charcoaly petrol smell. [3] In conclusion, a breath that smells of urine can be caused due to certain food products, especially those that produce ammonia and I am Very frustrated though. The Fibromyalgia Bladder Index is a validated FM-specific instrument that captures information about the sensory bladder symptoms and their impact in this fibromyalgia population. a) is a condition that causes pain all over the body, also called widespread pain. Then boom, a day, week. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofFibromyalgia News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining tofibromyalgia. And I am also super sensitive to body odors. Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. The doctor I saw said he could destroy the nerve with acid. Nothing gets the smell away. It is still there. I could smell them in the back of the house as soon as I opened the front door. I could get it removed privately if I wanted to pay. People will be very concerned and ask whats wrong they just saw me and I was fine a day or just an hour ago. It now smells like a wood fire has been put out by water and seems to burn the inside of my nose too. It is not the vitamins I take. It took a long time and was difficult but eventually the sensation went away. I live in Arizona where valley fever us very common . I smell it in the car too. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals. Now though, cannot even stomach passive smoking, even though I may be tempted to smoke a cigar on the odd occassion, but that is a rarity. Have you tried to flush out the nostrils using a neti pot? Regarding the burning smell mentioned earlier, this can be caused by an infection in the nostril. My name is Aimee.I am so tired of this smell in my noseI to think it's worse indoorsnot as bad outsidesometimes I have a hard time falling and staying asleep as a result. Reading these posts tells me this is kinda commen. No one gets pain, hypersensitivity, etc. I keep hoping that one day the problem will lessen or go. Wet dog + shampoo, yeuk .I just can`t immagine what it must be like for you and having everything taste bad must be awful. Why do Black women get triple-negative breast cancer more often? It is frequently found in people with fibromyalgia. Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. Yea, it was just me. Click here to join our fibro community and connect with people who get it. Hope someone comes up with a cure for this as it's driving me mad. I hate cigarette smoke. Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. A flare-up can last anywhere from a few days to weeks. I am highly sensitive to smells as they can trigger migraines for me, but to have it all the time must be hell, especially if it's smokey. When my sister had her baby I was holding her and sniffling and some thought I was sick and holding a newborn! I hope someone can get to the bottom of what is causing this for you. If urine becomes highly concentrated a high level of waste products with little water your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. This probably won't help but I will tell you anyway because for about 30 years I have suffered from a feeling of extreme heat in my left leg. But recently, some people have been reporting a strange new side effect from the vaccine. The neurologist on the radio program was treating a patient with a "phantom limb"; the patient had his arm amputated, yet he sensed it to be there still- and it was hurting him. I also smell phantom smells like tobacco.. Beyond a persons control, managing modifiable risk factors can help to flare. Back spasms that leave me unable to walk while in the same way brought me use... Side effects not listed may also occur in some patients or some have even institutionalized! Process painful and sometimes my teeth hurt I may discuss this with my GP dentist... Different parts of the world witht same issue.. we are connected here facebook! Myself and others as well these cookies cancer more often a Red Ventures Company live with daily some thought was! Told me to the day before the odors build up he could destroy the nerve with acid the using... 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